Children Who Are Not Like You - Grade 4-5 PowerPoint Lesson with Video
Children Who Are Not Like You - Grade 4-5 PowerPoint Lesson with Video
In this ready-to-go lesson, students learn about the contrasting realities of their school life compared to the lives of children forced into labor in various parts of the world. They learn about the hardships these working kids go through every day and why they can't go to school. This lesson helps them feel for these kids and be thankful for their own life. Suitable for Grades 4-5 students.
Here is what this lesson contains:
1) Teams: Team A vs. Team B
2) Class Rules
3) New words: six vocabulary items with sentence examples
4) Watch time: 4 min video introducing the topic (with subtitles)
5) Task #1: What kinds of work do poor children do?
6) Task #2: Find four things in the text that money can buy for us
7) Task #3: Unscramble the sentence
8) Group Activity: Ask Three Questions
9) Project: You are going to give a poor child a present. Draw a picture and write a letter to them.
Watch the video to see this lesson's walkthrough and how to teach it.
Slide total: 47